Lecture by Pierre Werner on the contribution of European finance and currencies to economic integration (Strasbourg, 21 November 1960)

At the invitation of the Lower Rhine Chamber of Commerce, Pierre Werner, Luxembourg Minister of State, President of the Government and Finance Minister, gives a lecture on 21 November 1960 in Strasbourg entitled The contribution of European finance and currencies to economic integration and continental solidarity, in which he sets out the possible ways in which currency and finance might stimulate a movement towards economic integration, and the laws that should govern such a process.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: Bulletin de documentation. dir. de publ. Service Information et Presse - Ministère d'Etat. 30.11.1960, n° 15; 16e année. Luxembourg. "Les Finances et les Monnaies Européennes au service de l’intégration économique et de la solidarité continentale ", p. 3-10.

Copyright: (c) Service Information et Presse du Gouvernement luxembourgeois

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