Jean Rey during the Kennedy Round negotiations (1967)

For the first time in 1967, the Six speak with one voice during the GATT tariff negotiations (the Kennedy Round). Jean Rey, European Commissioner for External Relations, played a leading role in the Kennedy Round negotiations.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: G. F. Seingry - F. Visine. 25 ans de Marché commun. Bruxelles: Editions Delta, 1982. 80 p. ISBN 2-8029-0035-8.
Pour la première fois en 1967, les Six parlent d'une seule voix lors de négociations internationales. Photothèque de la Commission des Communautés européennes, 1967. Noir et blanc.

Copyright: (c) European Communities

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Jean Rey during the Kennedy Round negotiations (1967)