Interview with Philippe de Schoutheete — Part 2 — 1985–1995 (Brussels, 31 March 2010) (length: 02:15:13)

Interview with Philippe de Schoutheete, Belgian Permanent Representative to the European Union from 1987 to 1997, carried out by the Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l’Europe (CVCE) on 31 March 2010 in the studios of the Council of the European Union in Brussels. The interview, conducted by Hervé Bribosia, Research Coordinator at the CVCE, particularly focuses on the following subjects: the Single Act, political cooperation and the 1987 Belgian Presidency, Belgium’s European policy, Coreper, the beginnings of the single market and the Delors I package, the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Maastricht Treaty, the 1993 Belgian Presidency, the achievements of the Delors Commission and the war in the Balkans.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: Interview de Philippe de Schoutheete / PHILIPPE DE SCHOUTHEETE, Hervé Bribosia.- Bruxelles: CVCE [Prod.], 04.03.2010. CVCE, Sanem. - VIDEO (02:15:13, Couleur, Son original).

Copyright: (c) CVCE.EU by UNI.LU
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