Georges Pompidou and Kurt Georg Kiesinger at the Franco-German consultations in Bonn (12 July 1967)

On 12 September 1967, as the 10th Franco-German consultations are held in Bonn, Federal Chancellor Kurt Georg Kiesinger (on the right) welcomes French Prime Minister Georges Pompidou (on the left) to Schaumburg Palace, where the two men try to revive Franco-German relations.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: Bundeskanzler Kurt Georg Kiesinger (r.) empfängt Georges Pompidou, Premierminister Frankreichs, vor dem Palais Schaumburg. 12. 07.1967. Patzek, Renate. Bundesbildstelle. Presse- und Informationsamt der Bundesregierung, Berlin. B 145 Bild-00002711.

Copyright: (c) Presse- und Informationsamt der Bundesregierung

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Georges Pompidou and Kurt Georg Kiesinger at the Franco-German consultations in Bonn (12 July 1967)