Geoffrey Rippon at the 410th ministerial meeting of the WEU Council (Luxembourg, 11 January 1971)

At the 410th meeting of the Council of Western European Union (WEU), held at ministerial level on 11 January 1971 in Luxembourg, British representative Geoffrey Rippon, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, expresses the concerns of the British Government at the increasing presence of Soviet naval forces in the Mediterranean.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: KRIER, Tony. Kirchberg Centre européen, réunion de l'Europe occidentale. 11.01.1971. 11-01-1971. Aufbewahrt in: Photothèque de la Ville de Luxembourg. Tony Krier. 6808A Nég 21a.

Copyright: (c) Photothèque de la Ville de Luxembourg

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Geoffrey Rippon at the 410th ministerial meeting of the WEU Council (Luxembourg, 11 January 1971)