Geldofph A. Kohnstamm, The Common Market: a generator of well-being (June 1956)

In June 1956, the European League for Economic Cooperation (ELEC) holds its third international conference in Brussels. At the conference, Geldofph A. Kohnstamm, who works for the Arnhem-based company Algemeene Kunstzijde Unie, presents an introductory report in which he considers the possible consequences of the Common Market for the social development of European citizens.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: Le Marché commun facteur de prospérité sociale. Juin 1956, n° 20. Bruxelles: LECE. " Le Marché commun, générateur de mieux-être", auteur:Kohnstamm, Geldofph A. , p. 83-93.

Copyright: (c) Ligue Européenne de Coopération Economique

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