Edward Heath is the victim of his European commitment (Brussels, 22 January 1972)

On 22 January 1972, as the Treaty of Accession of the United Kingdom to the European Communities is signed, Edward Heath, British Prime Minister, is the victim of his European commitment as a young demonstrator throws ink at his face.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: G. F. Seingry - F. Visine. 25 ans de Marché commun. Bruxelles: Editions Delta, 1982. 80 p. ISBN 2-8029-0035-8.
Edward Heath victime de son engagement européen: une suffragette anti-européenne lui jette de l'encre au visage. Bruxelles: Archives personnelles de M. Seingry, 22/01/1972. Noir et blanc.

Copyright: (c) G-F SEINGRY

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Edward Heath is the victim of his European commitment (Brussels, 22 January 1972)