Comparative summary of the various plans for the establishment of an economic and monetary union (Luxembourg, 5 June 1970)

On 5 June 1970, the Directorate-General for Committees and Parliamentary Studies publishes a document comparing the second Barre Plan (EC Commission), the Werner Plan (Luxembourg), the Schiller Plan (Germany) and the Snoy et d’Oppuers Plan (Belgium), all of which were drawn up with a view to the establishment of an economic and monetary union.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: Parlement européen - Direction générale de la Documentation parlementaire et de l'Information. Commission économique - Résumé comparatif des différents plans élaborés en vue de la création d'une Union économique et monétaire. Luxembourg: Office des publications officielles des Communautés européennes, 05.06.1970. 12 p.

Copyright: (c) Parlement européen

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