Communiqué from the imperial palace in Morocco on the history of the protectorate regime (Rabat, 14 July 1953)

On 14 July 1953, French National Day, the Sultan of Morocco, Sidi Mohammed ben Youssef, sends a letter to the President of the French Republic in which he emphasises the strong historical links between the two countries and his desire to see the Moroccan people experience freedom and justice. The Sultan calls for discussions to be held on a programme of reforms to bring about progress in Morocco in the area of reciprocal rights.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: Communiqué du Palais rendu public en date du 14 juillet 1953. 14-07-1953. Aufbewahrt in: Archives nationales d'outre-mer. Archives privées, Archives privées outre-mer. Delanoë (Guy) (97 APOM, 1930/1990). FR ANOM 97 APOM 2.

Copyright: (c) Archives Nationales d'Outre-Mer, Aix-en-Provence

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