Communiqué from the Democratic Independence Party on the negotiations between France and Morocco (Lausanne, 28 September 1954)

On 28 September 1954, Mohamed Hassan Ouazzani, General Secretary of the Democratic Independence Party in Morocco, outlines the differences of opinion between Morocco and France concerning the future of the French protectorate in Morocco.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: Ouazzani, Mohamed Hassan. [Communiqué du Parti démocratique de l’indépendance (Lausanne, 28 septembre 1954)]. 28-09-1954. Aufbewahrt in: Archives nationales d'outre-mer. Archives privées, Archives privées outre-mer. Delanoë (Guy) (97 APOM, 1930/1990). FR ANOM 97 APOM 1.

Copyright: (c) Archives Nationales d'Outre-Mer, Aix-en-Provence

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