Cartoon by Padry on the difficult relations between Charles de Gaulle and Ludwig Erhard (13 November 1964)

‘Rêveries. Savage! …’ On 13 November 1964, cartoonist Padry paints an ironic picture of the strained relations between the new Federal Chancellor Ludwig Erhard, who has a highly Atlanticist view and favours direct relations with the United States, and French President Charles de Gaulle, a fervent defender of national sovereignty. The period of good relations and complicity between Adenauer and de Gaulle (sat together at the piano) seems to be over. The atmosphere has become much more chilly between Paris and Bonn. On the left, Chancellor Ludwig Erhard, smoking a cigar, is disturbing the good relations that once existed between the Franco-German duo with his jukebox (‘made in USA’).

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: PADRY. "Réveries. Sauvage!." dans Aux écoutes du monde Paris. 13.11.1964.

Copyright: (c) Padry / Aux Ecoutes

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Cartoon by Padry on the difficult relations between Charles de Gaulle and Ludwig Erhard (13 November 1964)