Cartoon by Oesterle on the relations between Kiesinger and de Gaulle (11 March 1967)

‘Growing self-confidence. If he’s calling us Schorsch Kisengsché and Guillaume Brang, we should be brave enough to call him Karli Kaule from time to time.’ On 11 March 1967, German cartoonist Manfred Oesterle illustrates the difficulties experienced by Federal Chancellor Kurt Georg Kiesinger (on the right) and his Foreign Minister Willy Brandt (on the left) to restore the lines of communication with French President de Gaulle, who is not proving to be very cooperative. In a parody of a Louis XIV portrait by French painter Hyacinthe Rigaud, President de Gaulle is depicted as an absolute, all-powerful monarch. Despite attempts by the German leaders to breathe new life into the Franco-German duo, relations between Paris and Bonn remain strained.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: OESTERLE, Manfred. "Wachsendes Selbstbewußtsein. Wenn er uns schon Schorsch Kisengsché und Guillaume Brang nennt, dann sollten wir den Mut hahen, ihn gelegentlich mit Karl Kaule anzreden." dans Simplicissimus. München: Simplicissimus Verlagsgesellschaft m. b.H. 11.03.1967, n°6, p.84.

Copyright: (c) Manfred Oesterle

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Cartoon by Oesterle on the relations between Kiesinger and de Gaulle (11 March 1967)