Cartoon by Murschetz on the effects of the suspension of the dollar's convertibility into gold (17 August 1971)

'The currency standard'. In this cartoon published in the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung on 17 August 1971, the cartoonist, Murschetz, portrays the end of the dollar's convertibility into gold as a precursor to the dollar's freefall on the world's stock markets.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: Süddeutsche Zeitung. Münchner Neueste Nachrichten aus Politik, Kultur, Wirtschaft und Sport. Hrsg. DÜRRMEIER, Hans ; Herausgeber HEIGERT, H. 17.08.1971, n° 196; 27. Jg. München: Süddeutscher Verlag GmbH.

Copyright: (c) Murschetz

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Cartoon by Murschetz on the effects of the suspension of the dollar's convertibility into gold (17 August 1971)