Cartoon by Lap on tensions between Charles de Gaulle and Ludwig Erhard (1 July 1964)

‘If de Gaulle comes with his uniform, I’m all set! …’ On 1 July 1964, French cartoonist Lap (Jacques Laplaine) illustrates the strained relations between French President Charles de Gaulle and Federal Chancellor Ludwig Erhard. Erhard, in military uniform with a pointed helmet, is waiting steadfastly for the arrival of his French counterpart.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: LAP (Jacques Laplaine). "Si de Gaulle vient avec son uniforme, je suis fin prêt!." dans Le Canard enchaîné Paris: Le Canard enchaîné. 01.07.1964, n°2280, p.2.

Copyright: (c) Le Canard Enchaîné / Lap

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Cartoon by Lap on tensions between Charles de Gaulle and Ludwig Erhard (1 July 1964)