Cartoon by Lap on General de Gaulle’s Europe (9 July 1965)

‘Here’s the French solution.’ On 9 July 1965, the French weekly satirical publication Le Canard enchaîné publishes a cartoon by Lap illustrating the Gaullist vision of European policy: ‘A Europe of my Six’ moving forward under the command of General de Gaulle.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: LAP (Jacques Laplaine). "L'Europe de mes Six. La solution française."dans Le Canard enchaîné. Paris: Le Canard enchaîné. 09.07.1965, n° 2 333, p.1.

Copyright: J. Lap (c) Martine Laplaine-Méric

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Cartoon by Lap on General de Gaulle’s Europe (9 July 1965)