Cartoon by Lang on the United Kingdom's accession to the EC (28 October 1967)

‘Consolation’ – Kiesinger: ‘Hang on in there, Wilson! Let me play you a little tune while you’re waiting…’ On 28 October 1967, the German cartoonist Ernst Maria Lang illustrates the difficulties that the British Prime Minister, Harold Wilson, faces as he tries to ensure the success of United Kingdom’s second application for accession to the European Communities. Despite having the support of the German Chancellor, Kurt Georg Kiesinger, Harold Wilson still faces the inflexibility of the French President, Charles de Gaulle.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: LANG, Ernst Maria. Die Gezeichneten : 145 Karikaturen von sehenswerten Politikern und ihren Aktionen mit Kurzinterviews und Autogrammen. München: Süddeutscher Verlag, 1971. 174 S. ISBN 3-7991-5677-1. "Tröstung-Kiesinger: «Halt aus Wilson, ich spiel dir derweil was vor.»", auteur:Lang, Ernst Maria.

Copyright: (c) Ernst Maria LANG

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Cartoon by Lang on the United Kingdom's accession to the EC (28 October 1967)