Cartoon by Curry on the implications of the Schuman Plan (11 May 1950)

‘The Schuman–Adenauer “complex”’. On 11 May 1950, cartoonist Curry emphasises the importance of the new partnership between France and the Federal Republic of Germany that has resulted in the Schuman Plan, and illustrates the pooling of Franco-German coal and steel resources. Federal Chancellor Konrad Adenauer (on the right) is feeding the French blast furnace (Schuman’s face) with German coal. The declaration by French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman offers a first chance for Europe to free itself of the oppressive yoke of nationalism by providing a framework to pool the coal and steel output of France and Germany in a supranational organisation open to the other countries of Europe. The Schuman Plan represents a decisive stage in the European integration process.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: CURRY. "«Le combinat» Schuman-Adenauer" dans Franc-Tireur. Le quotidien de Paris. A l'avant-garde de la République 11.05.1950, n°1798, p.1.

Copyright: (c) Franc-Tireur

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Cartoon by Curry on the implications of the Schuman Plan (11 May 1950)