Cartoon by Cummings on the United Kingdom's accession to the EC (5 November 1962)

'..the only room left, she said! Maybe we should never have come...' On 5 November 1962, the British cartoonist, Cummings, portrays the concerns felt by Harold Macmillan, the British Prime Minister, about the exigent attitude and the lack of goodwill manifested by General de Gaulle regarding the United Kingdom's application for accession to the European common market.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: CUMMINGS, Michael. ...the only room left, she said ! Maybe we should never have come... In: Daily Express. 05-11-1962. ISSN 2042-9592.

Copyright: (c) Cummings

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Cartoon by Cummings on the United Kingdom's accession to the EC (5 November 1962)