Cartoon by Calvi on the European action of President Pompidou and Chancellor Schmidt (28 January 1971)

On 28 January 1971, French cartoonist Calvi illustrates the determination of German Chancellor Willy Brandt (on the right) and French President Georges Pompidou (on the left) to revive the European integration process. At the consultation meeting between France and the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) on 24 and 25 January 1971, the two leaders reached agreement on a series of measures for the achievement of economic and monetary union.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: CALVI (Philippe Vallencien). France-Soir. 28.01.1971.

Copyright: (c) Calvi

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Cartoon by Calvi on the European action of President Pompidou and Chancellor Schmidt (28 January 1971)