Cartoon by Brockmann on the Franco-German position on British accession to the EEC (3 June 1967)

‘European bathing season. Maybe the time has come to put some water in the pool.’ On 3 June 1967, given French President de Gaulle’s uncompromising position on the question of British accession to the EEC, German cartoonist Brockmann illustrates the mediation attempts by Federal Chancellor Kurt Georg Kiesinger (on the left) to break the deadlock. In the background, Harold Wilson, British Prime Minister, in an EEC bathing suit, is taking a risky dive in a swimming pool with no water, while Willy Brandt, Federal Foreign Minister, is busy cleaning the bottom of the pool.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: BROCKMANN, H.M. "Europäische Badesaison. Allmählich dürfte es vielleicht an der Zeit sein, ein wenig Wasser in das Bad zu lassen." dans Simplicissimus. München: Simplicissimus Verlagsgesellschaft m.b.H. 03.06.1967, n°12.

Copyright: (c) Henry Mayer-Brockmann

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Cartoon by Brockmann on the Franco-German position on British accession to the EEC (3 June 1967)