Appeal for the creation of a Franco-Tunisian movement for cooperation between France and the Maghreb (January 1952)

In January 1952, an appeal is launched by French people living in Tunisia for the creation of a movement for open Franco-Tunisian cooperation, in order to pave the way for a relationship of trust between France and a Tunisia free from colonialism. One of the main aims of this movement is to establish honest cooperation between the French and the Tunisians, in full respect of Tunisian independence.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: Mouvement Franco-Tunisien pour une libre coopération Franco-Maghrébin. Appel. Aufbewahrt in: Archives nationales d'outre-mer. Archives privées, Archives privées outre-mer. Cohen-Hadria (Élie) (51 APOM, 1923/1976). FR ANOM 51 APOM 1.

Copyright: (c) Archives Nationales d'Outre-Mer, Aix-en-Provence

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