Address given by Klaus Scharioth on the signing of the Treaty of Accession in Athens (16 April 2003)

On 16 April 2003, at a reception held at the German Foreign Ministry, Klaus Scharioth, German State Secretary for Foreign Affairs, emphasises the historic nature of the signing, in Athens, of the Treaty of Accession of Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia to the European Union.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: Web-Archiv - Rede von Staatssekretär Dr. Klaus Scharioth anläßlich des Festaktes im Lichthof des Auswärtigen Amts zur Unterzeichnung des EU-Beitrittsvertrages in Athen am 16. April 2003. [ONLINE]. [Berlin]: Auswärtiges Amt, [20.05.2005]. Disponible sur

Copyright: (c) Auswärtiges Amt

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