Address by Azzedine Azzouz at the World Youth Conference on the political situation in Tunisia (London, 1 November 1945)

On 1 November 1945, Azzedine Azzouz, Tunisian delegate at the World Youth Conference in London, outlines the background to the political situation in Tunisia. During his address, he strongly criticises French colonialism and calls on his audience to take action with their respective governments to bring an end to colonialism and imperialism across the world.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: AZZOUZ, Azzedine. Intervention n°2 du délégué tunisien Azzouz Azzedine au Congrès Mondial de la jeunesse à Londres: Les besoins de la jeunesse dans les colonies. 01-11-1945. Aufbewahrt in: Archives nationales d'outre-mer. Archives privées, Archives privées outre-mer. Cohen-Hadria (Élie) (51 APOM, 1923/1976). FR ANOM 51 APOM 1.

Copyright: (c) Archives Nationales d'Outre-Mer, Aix-en-Provence

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