Account given by Maurice Faure: Franco-German relations (Rome, 26 March 1987)

At the conference held from 25 to 28 March 1987 in Rome to mark the 30th anniversary of the signing of the Treaties establishing the European Economic Community (EEC) and the European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC or Euratom), Maurice Faure, former French Junior Foreign Minister and former Head of the French Delegation to the Intergovernmental Conference on the Common Market and Euratom, refers to the climate of confidence between the governments in Paris and Bonn in the mid-1950s and to its importance for the success of European revival.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: Colloque sur la relance européenne et les traités de Rome/25-28 mars 1987 / Maurice Faure.- Rome: Commission européenne [Prod.], 26.03.1987. DG Press & Communication, Commission européenne, Bruxelles. - SON (00:03:34, Montage, Son original).
Médiathèque centrale de la Commission européenne, Berlaymont 4/363, 200 rue de la Loi B-1049 Bruxelles.

Photo: Maurice Faure. Strasbourg: Parlement européen. Noir et blanc.

Copyright: Union européenne

Photo: Photo Parlement européen

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Maurice Faure