Cartoon by Leger on France’s attitude in the settlement of the Saar question (7 March 1950)

‘There were two child kings — but unfortunately one took down the bridge that was supposed to lead to the peace treaty!’ On 7 March 1950, commenting on the signing of the Franco-Saar conventions on 3 March in Paris, German cartoonist Peter Leger criticises French policy regarding the Saar and expresses concern for the future of Franco-German rapprochement. Robert Schuman, French Foreign Minister, and Johannes Hoffman, Minister-President of the Saar, dismantle the ‘Saar territory’ bridge that would have allowed France (Marianne) and the FRG (Michel) to meet safely. At the bottom of the ravine that separates the two countries, the ominous spectre of war still looms, depicted here as the face of Adolf Hitler.

Source et copyright

Source: LEGER, Peter. "Es waren zwei Königskinder - aber leider wurde die Brücke bis zum Friedensvertrag demontiert!" dans Hannoversche Presse. Hannover: Hannoversche Presse. 07.03.1950, n° 56, 5. Jg, p.2 .

Copyright: (c) Peter Leger (Karikaturist), Stiftung Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn

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Cartoon by Leger on France’s attitude in the settlement of the Saar question (7 March 1950)