Visit to the European Parliament by Members of Parliament from the applicant countries (Strasbourg, 19 November 2002)

Group photo of Members of Parliament from the EU applicant countries, taken in the Hemicycle of the European Parliament, Strasbourg, during the plenary session of 19 November 2002. In the front row: Günter Verheugen, European Commissioner for Enlargement, Bertel Haarder, Danish Minister for European Affairs, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Danish Prime Minister and President-in-Office of the European Council, Pat Cox, President of the European Parliament, and Romano Prodi, President of the Commission.

Source et copyright

Source: Photo de famille avec les Députés des Parlements des Pays candidats. Strasbourg: Parlement européen, 19/11/2002. Couleur.
Base photo du Parlement européen. [EN LIGNE]. [s.l.]: [09.04.2003]. Disponible sur

Copyright: Photo European Parliament

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Visit to the European Parliament by Members of Parliament from the applicant countries (Strasbourg, 19 November 2002)