The 50th anniversary of the European Parliament (Strasbourg, 12 March 2008)

On 12 March 2008, in Strasbourg, the European Parliament celebrates the 50th anniversary of the constituent meeting of the European Parliamentary Assembly held on 19 March 1958. Those attending the meeting include the President of the European Parliament, Hans-Gert Pöttering, and the former Presidents Emilio Colombo, Lord Henry Plumb, Enrique Barón Crespo, Egon Klepsch, Klaus Hänsch, José Maria Gil Robles, Nicole Fontaine and Josep Borrell Fontelles.

Source et copyright

Source: 50ème anniversaire du PE. Strasbourg: Parlement européen, 12.03.2008. Couleur.
Service presse du Parlement européen. Facilités audiovisuelles. [EN LIGNE]. [s.l.]: Parlement européen, Mise-à-jour 2008[s.d.]. Disponible sur

Copyright: Photo European Parliament

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The 50th anniversary of the European Parliament (Strasbourg, 12 March 2008)