Cartoon by Plantu on the austerity plans in Greece (25 May 2012)

‘Iannis Tuladanlos. You’ll see, it’s the first 30 years that are the most difficult! After that, you’ll get used to it!’ On 25 May 2012, French cartoonist Plantu takes an ironic look at the alleged suggestion by German Chancellor Angela Merkel that a referendum be held in Greece on whether or not the country should stay in the euro zone. Despite Berlin’s denials, this idea prompts an outcry among Greek political parties. On the left, new French President François Hollande is blushing and seems rather embarrassed at the fate of Greece, while the German Chancellor, surrounded by Brussels Eurocrats, is already getting ready to say goodbye to the Greeks (on the right on the iceberg).

Source et copyright

Source: PLANTU. "Iannis Tuladanlos. Tu verras, ce sont les premières 30 années qui sont les plus dures! Après, tu t'y feras!" dans Le Monde Paris: Le Monde. 25.05.2012, n°20946, p.1.

Copyright: (c) Plantu

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Cartoon by Plantu on the austerity plans in Greece (25 May 2012)