Cartoon by Nitro on employers and the European Common Market (24 January 1957)

‘A Common Market? All right, but just between the two of us.’ On 24 January 1957, in the weekly publication of the General Confederation of Labour-Workers’ Force (CGT-FO), the French cartoonist, Nitro, condemns the policy of French and German employers who are trying to exclude workers from the negotiations on and establishment of the European Economic Community (EEC).

Source et copyright

Source: Force ouvrière. Hebdomadaire de la Confédération générale du travail-Force ouvrière. 24.01.1957, n° 570; 14e année. Paris: CGT-Force ouvrière. "Un marché commun ? D'accord, mais entre nous", auteur:Nitro , p. 1.

Copyright: (c) Force ouvrière

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Cartoon by Nitro on employers and the European Common Market (24 January 1957)