Cartoon by Moisan on the signing of the Élysée Treaty (23 January 1963)

‘Mein Inkondizionnel. Danke schön for coming, Mein Konrad. In the name of Holy Gallo-German Europe, I name you honorary Zuénère.’ On 23 January 1963, French cartoonist Roland Moisan paints an ironic picture of the signing of the Élysée Treaty by General de Gaulle, President of the French Republic, and Konrad Adenauer, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany. This treaty seals the friendship between France and the FRG and provides for consultations between the two partners and closer relations in the areas of external relations, defence and education. Surrounded by his royal court, Charles de Gaulle, sat on his throne and resembling Emperor Charlemagne, performs the homage ceremony. The Chancellor thereby becomes his vassal, under the protection and in the service of his powerful lord. ‘Zuénère’ is a play on words with ‘UNR’, the Union for the New Republic party founded in October 1958 to support the action of General de Gaulle. At the feet of the President, a lion skin rug, whose head resembles that of British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan, highlights the dispute between France and Britain. The tapestry on the wall depicts numerous conquests and battles, finishing with the crowning of Charles de Gaulle.

Source et copyright

Source: MOISAN, Roland. "Mein Inkondizionnel. Danke schön dêtre venu, Mein Konrad. Au nom de la Sainte Europe gallo-germanique, je vous fais Zuénère d'honneur" dans Le Canard enchaîné. Paris: Le Canard enchaîné. 23.01.1963, n°2205, p.1.

Copyright: (c) Moisan / ADAGP Paris / Canard Enchaîné

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Cartoon by Moisan on the signing of the Élysée Treaty (23 January 1963)