Cartoon by Moisan on Franco-German relations (13 December 1949)

‘The art of being a great European.’ On 13 December 1949, French cartoonist Roland Moisan paints an ironic picture of the efforts of French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman to encourage the reintegration of West Germany, represented as a young Germania wearing the Wehrmacht helmet and goose-stepping forward, into the fold of the European Community. Memories of the Nazi occupation were still strong at this time, and the prospect of a rearmed Germany was anathema to many in Europe.

Source et copyright

Source: MOISAN, Roland.Oxygène. Paris. 13.12.1949, n°3.

Copyright: (c) Moisan / ADAGP Paris / Canard Enchaîné

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Cartoon by Moisan on Franco-German relations (13 December 1949)