Cartoon by Mitelberg on the settlement of the Saar question (28 March 1952)

‘For the Saar. Germany’s eastern border.’ On 28 March 1952, as discussions are held for the settlement of the Saar question, French cartoonist Louis Mitelberg harshly criticises the actions of French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman (on the right), who seems to be working in favour of German and US interests. Sat on top of the signpost is US Secretary of State Dean Acheson, who has taken a keen interest in the future of the Saar territory. During the negotiations between France and the Saar authorities, Schuman raises the idea of giving the Saar European status. But the German Federal Government, led by Chancellor Konrad Adenauer (sat under the border sign), is openly calling for an end to the special status of the Saar and for its reincorporation into the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG). France refuses to yield to these requests, which it sees as compromising its own political, economic and military interests. The question would eventually be settled with the Luxembourg Agreement of 27 October 1956, signed by France and the FRG, which provided for the political reintegration of the Saar into the FRG on 1 January 1957.

Source et copyright

Source: MITELBERG, Louis. "Pour la Sarrre. Frontière allemande de l'Est" dans Action. Hebdomadaire de l'indépendance française. 28.03-03.04.1952, n°391, p.4.

Copyright: (c) Mitelberg, Adagp

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Cartoon by Mitelberg on the settlement of the Saar question (28 March 1952)