Cartoon by Mitelberg on the implications of the Schuman Plan (15 May 1950)

‘Von Wendel. De Wendel. The Ruhr–Lorraine complex … or family (ef)fusion.’ On 15 May 1950, French cartoonist Louis Mitelberg criticises the proposal by French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman to place Franco-German coal and steel production under a joint authority. The cartoonist is of the view that the Schuman Plan only serves the economic and financial interests of wealthy French and German ironmaster dynasties such as the de Wendel family. The two industrialists are wearing hats decorated with a swastika, the symbol used by Nazi Germany, and the ‘Francisque’, a medal awarded by the Vichy regime and the personal symbol of Marshal Pétain (featuring the baton and seven stars representing the military rank of Marshal). For some in French political circles, particularly the communists, Schuman’s proposals are not only a step further towards another war but a betrayal of France, its independence and its freedom.

Source et copyright

Source: MITELBERG (Louis). "Von Wendel. De Wendel. Le combinat Ruhr-Lorraine…ou l’(ef)fusion familiale" dans ActionHebdomadaire de l'indépendance française. 15-21.05.1950, n°293, p.2.

Copyright: (c) Mitelberg, Adagp

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Cartoon by Mitelberg on the implications of the Schuman Plan (15 May 1950)