Cartoon by Low on the US plan to increase the industrial production capacity of the Ruhr (5 August 1947)

On 4 August 1947, British cartoonist David Low illustrates France’s concern at the proposal from the military governor of the US zone in Germany, Lucius D. Clay, to raise the level of German steel industry in the Bizone (the British and US occupation zones, merged on 1 January 1947). Two years after the end of the Second World War, France particularly fears a revival of the Ruhr’s industrial power. From left to right: Ernest Bevin, British Foreign Secretary, and Georges Bidault, French Foreign Minister.

Source et copyright

Source: Evening Standard. 05.08.1947. London.

Copyright: (c) David Low Associated Newspaper / Solo Syndication, London

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Cartoon by Low on the US plan to increase the industrial production capacity of the Ruhr (5 August 1947)