Cartoon by Lap on the opposition between Charles de Gaulle and Ludwig Erhard over the common agricultural market (12 December 1963)

‘The Brussels meet for the European title: King Charles versus Big Ludwig.’ On 12 December 1963, in anticipation of the forthcoming meeting of the Six in Brussels on the establishment of a common agricultural market, French cartoonist Lap portrays the difficult negotiations to come between General Charles de Gaulle (on the left) and Federal Chancellor Ludwig Erhard (on the right).

Source et copyright

Source: LAP (Jacques Laplaine). "La rencontre de Bruxelles pour le titre européen: King Charles contre Big Ludwig" dans Combat. de la Résistance à la Révolution. Paris: Combat.12.12.1963.

Copyright: J. Lap (c) Martine Laplaine-Méric

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Cartoon by Lap on the opposition between Charles de Gaulle and Ludwig Erhard over the common agricultural market (12 December 1963)