Cartoon by Lap on the issues surrounding the Franco-German summit (15 February 1964)

‘Athletics meet between France and Germany. NATO, Common Market, Europe.’ On 15 February 1964, French cartoonist Lap illustrates the issues surrounding the Paris summit between French President Charles de Gaulle (on the right) and Federal Chancellor Ludwig Erhard (on the left). The two leaders are due to address a wide range of subjects including Europe, the Common Market and NATO.

Source et copyright

Source: LAP (Jacques Laplaine). "Le match France-Allemagne d'athlétisme" dans Combat. de la Résistance à la Révolution. Paris: Combat. 15-16.02.1964.

Copyright: J. Lap (c) Martine Laplaine-Méric

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Cartoon by Lap on the issues surrounding the Franco-German summit (15 February 1964)