Cartoon by Lang on the Berlin Wall (16 August 1961)

On 16 August 1961, the cartoonist Lang deplores the attitude of Walter Ulbricht, the First Secretary of the East German Communist Party, who ordered the construction of the Berlin Wall during the night of 12–13 August in order to prevent large numbers of East Germans from escaping to West Germany. Lang describes this as ‘The Cutting’.

Source et copyright

Source: Süddeutsche Zeitung. Münchner Neueste Nachrichten aus Politik, Kultur, Wirtschaft und Sport. Hrsg. FRIEDMANN, Werner; GOLDSCHAGG, Edmund; SCHÖNINGH, Dr. Franz Josef; SCHWINGENSTEIN, August ; Herausgeber FRIEDMANN, Werner. 16.08.1961, n° 195; 17. Jg. München: Süddeutscher Verlag.

Copyright: (c) Ernst Maria LANG

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Cartoon by Lang on the Berlin Wall (16 August 1961)