Cartoon by Illingworth on the start of the negotiations on the Schuman Plan (21 June 1950)

On 21 June 1950, as the negotiations on the Schuman Plan open in Paris, British cartoonist Leslie Gilbert Illingworth illustrates the issues surrounding these discussions, which are intended to result in the establishment of a European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), and draws attention to the United Kingdom’s absence from the negotiating table.

Source et copyright

Source: Punch. or The London Charivari. 21.06.1950, No 5718; Vol. CCXVIII. London. "The Climbers", auteur:Illingworth , p. 675.

Copyright: (c) Leslie Illingworth Associated Newspaper / Solo Syndication, London

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Cartoon by Illingworth on the start of the negotiations on the Schuman Plan (21 June 1950)