Cartoon by Haitzinger on relations between France and Germany (9 February 1963)

‘Historical development. “Friend!” “Good friend!” “Best friend!” “Very best friend!” “Dear very best friend!” “Only dear very best friend!” “Maybe we should get down to specifics…” “Our friendship doesn’t go that far!”’ On 9 February 1963, German cartoonist Horst Haitzinger paints an ironic picture of the good relations between French President Charles de Gaulle and Federal Chancellor Konrad Adenauer. When the German partner tries to address specific issues, President de Gaulle digs in his heels and refuses to budge.

Source et copyright

Source: HAITZINGER, Horst. "Historische Entwickelung. Freund! Guter Freund! Bester Freund! Allerbester Freund! Liebster, allerbester Freund!, Einziger, liebster, allerbester Freund! Vielleicht sollten wir nun zum Konkreten.So weit geht die Freundschaft nicht!" dans Simplicissimus München: Simplicissimus Verlagsgesellschaft m.b.H. 09.02.1963, n°6, p. 90.

Copyright: (c) Horst Haitzinger

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Cartoon by Haitzinger on relations between France and Germany (9 February 1963)