Cartoon by Geisen on the signing of the Élysée Treaty (1963)

‘The proud grandfathers...' In January 1963, the Swiss cartoonist Geisen emphasises the historic significance of the Élysée Treaty signed by General de Gaulle, President of the French Republic, and Konrad Adenauer, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany. This treaty provides for consultations between the two partners and the establishment of closer relations in the fields of external relations, defence and education.

Source et copyright

Source: GEISEN, Hans. 25 Jahre politische Karikaturen 1958-1983, Eine Auswahl der besten und bisher unveröffentlichten Karikaturen. Basel: Buchverlag Basler Zeitung, 1983. 119 S. ISBN 3858151017.

Copyright: (c) Hans Geisen

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Cartoon by Geisen on the signing of the Élysée Treaty (1963)