Cartoon by Ferjac on the Suez crisis (8 August 1956)

On 8 August 1956, French cartoonist Pol Ferjac uses the hieroglyphs on the Obelisk in Paris to illustrate the plan to nationalise the Suez Canal by Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser and paints an ironic picture of the different stages of the resulting Suez Crisis. In the fountains on Place de la Concorde, which commemorate inland and maritime navigation and stand opposite the National Assembly, Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser, a faint smile on his face, is depicted as an allegorical statue holding a crocodile in his arms and seems to be taunting the French authorities.

Source et copyright

Source: FERJAC, Pol. La fontaine représente le génie du Nil portant le crocodile sacré. Dans: Le Canard enchaîné: Journal satirique paraissant le mercredi. 08-08-1956. n° 1.868, 37e année, p.1. ISSN 0008-5405.

Copyright: (c) Ferjac

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Cartoon by Ferjac on the Suez crisis (8 August 1956)