Cartoon by Ferjac on the rebirth of the German army (29 December 1954)

‘Il renaît le divin enfant …’ On 29 December 1954, as the question is raised of the rearmament of the Federal Republic of Germany, French cartoonist Pol Ferjac takes inspiration from the traditional French carol Il est né le divin enfant (‘He is born, the divine child’) to paint an ironic picture of the ‘rebirth’ of the ‘divine child’ as a German soldier in the Wehrmacht uniform, gun in hand. John Foster Dulles (US Secretary of State), Paul-Henri Spaak (Belgian Foreign Minister), Pierre Mendès France (President of the French Council of Ministers) and Anthony Eden (British Foreign Secretary) are depicted as shepherds watching over the newborn babe.

Source et copyright

Source: FERJAC, Pol. "Il renait le divin enfant." dans Le Canard enchaîné Paris: Le Canard enchainé. 29.12.1954, p.1.

Copyright: (c) Ferjac

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Cartoon by Ferjac on the rebirth of the German army (29 December 1954)