Cartoon by Ferjac on the awakening of Egyptian nationalism (8 August 1956)

‘The mummy awakes. Down!’ On 26 July 1956, Colonel Nasser, President of Egypt, nationalises the Suez Canal Company. On 8 August 1956, French cartoonist Pol Ferjac illustrates how Guy Mollet (centre), President of the French Council of Ministers, and Anthony Eden (on the right), British Prime Minister, are endeavouring to contain the awakening of Egyptian nationalism, symbolised here by a mummy coming back to life.

Source et copyright

Source: FERJAC, Pol. Le réveil de la momie. Couché !. Dans: Le Canard enchaîné: Journal satirique paraissant le mercredi. 08-08-1956. n° 1.868; 37e année, p. 1. ISSN 0008-5405.

Copyright: (c) Ferjac

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Cartoon by Ferjac on the awakening of Egyptian nationalism (8 August 1956)