Cartoon by Ferjac on Moscow’s role in the Suez Crisis (14 November 1956)

‘Tourist season in Egypt. Hey, Tommy, don’t you think the Egyptians look a bit odd this year?’ On 14 November 1956, French cartoonist Pol Ferjac takes an ironic look at Moscow’s involvement and role in the events of the Suez Crisis. The two French and British soldiers keeping guard around the Suez Canal and safeguarding the interests of France and the United Kingdom in the region are speculating on the strange appearance of the Egyptians, who all seem to look identical to Nikita Khrushchev, First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

Source et copyright

Source: FERJAC, Pol. La saison touristique en Egypte. Dis donc, Tommy, tu ne trouves pas que les Egyptiens ont de drôles de bouilles cette année?. Dans: Le Canard enchaîné: Journal satirique paraissant le mercredi. 14-11-1956. n°1882, 37e année, p. 1. ISSN 0008-5405.

Copyright: (c) Ferjac

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Cartoon by Ferjac on Moscow’s role in the Suez Crisis (14 November 1956)