Cartoon by Faizant on relations between de Gaulle and Adenauer (6 July 1962)

‘Let’s get a move on, Konrad — after all, you’re not going to be around forever!’ On 6 July 1962, as Chancellor Konrad Adenauer (on the right) visits France, French cartoonist Jacques Faizant paints an ironic picture of the inflated ego of General de Gaulle (on the left) and the role that he intends to play on the international and European stage. The German partner seems somewhat irritated by the attitude of the French Head of State.

Source et copyright

Source: FAIZANT, Jacques. "Dépêchons-nous Konrad, vous n'êtes pas éternel, vous!." dans Paris-Presse-L'Intransigeant 06.07.1962, n°5465, p.4 .

Copyright: (c) Jacques Faizant - Chimulus

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Cartoon by Faizant on relations between de Gaulle and Adenauer (6 July 1962)