Cartoon by Beuth on the United Kingdom’s absence from the negotiations on the Schuman Plan (17 June 1950)

‘Unfortunately we have our hands full …’ On 17 June 1950, German cartoonist Beuth illustrates the reasons put forward by the British government authorities for their non-participation in the forthcoming negotiations on the implementation of the Schuman Plan. From left to right: Ernest Bevin, British Foreign Secretary, Clement Attlee, British Prime Minister, Konrad Adenauer, Federal Chancellor, and Robert Schuman, French Foreign Minister.

Source et copyright

Source: Hamburger Abendblatt. Unabhängig - Überparteilich. Hrsg. Springer, Axel ; Herausgeber Schulze, Wilhelm. 17.06.1950, Nr. 139; 3. Jg. Hamburg.

Copyright: (c) Hamburger Abendblatt

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Cartoon by Beuth on the United Kingdom’s absence from the negotiations on the Schuman Plan (17 June 1950)