Cartoon by Behrendt on Franco-German rapprochement: The meeting in Reims (9 July 1962)

‘Viewed from above’. On 9 July 1962, Fritz Behrendt, a Dutch cartoonist originally from Berlin, depicts the meditations of Chancellor Konrad Adenauer and General de Gaulle in Reims Cathedral as a powerful demonstration of the new solidarity and reconciliation between France and Germany, observed by Frederick the Great, Napoleon and Bismarck. After centuries of violent clashes, this fraternal handshake between the two men signals the new found friendship between the two countries.

Source et copyright

Source: BEHRENDT, Fritz "Von höherer Warte betrachtet." dans Süddeutsche Zeitung. Münchner Neueste Nachrichten aus Politik, Kultur, Wirtschaft und Sport. München: Süddeutscher Verlag. 09.07.1962, n° 163; 18. Jg, p.2.

Copyright: (c) Fritz Behrendt
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Cartoon by Behrendt on Franco-German rapprochement: The meeting in Reims (9 July 1962)