British General Sir Charles Keightley and French General Jacques Massu during the Franco-British military intervention in the Suez (1956)

General Sir Charles Keightley, British Commander in Chief Middle East Land Forces and Commander in Chief of Operation Musketeer, greets French paratroopers after the Franco-British intervention in the Suez in November 1956. On the right, French General Jacques Massu, Commander of the 10th French Paratrooper Division. On 5 and 6 November 1956, a Franco-British expeditionary force intervenes in Port Said and Port Fuad, at the northern tip of the Suez Canal, and regains control of the canal. But under pressure from the United States, which is demanding a withdrawal of Western troops, and with open threats from the USSR against London and Paris, the United Kingdom and France are forced to accept a ceasefire and to withdraw their troops.

Source et copyright

Source: The Suez Operation: General Jacques Massu (right) commander of the French airborne forces at Suez. [online] THE SUEZ OPERATION OCTOBER - DECEMBER 1956. Part of BRITISH POST 1945 OFFICIAL CLASSIFIED PRINT COLLECTION. London: Imperial War Museum. Black and White. © IWM (MH 23590).
Catalogue number MH 23590
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Copyright: (c) Imperial War Museum

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British General Sir Charles Keightley and French General Jacques Massu during the Franco-British military intervention in the Suez (1956)