Cartoon by Moisan on relations between de Gaulle and Erhard (20 November 1963)

‘Make yourself comfortable, Mr Erhard, what brings you here?’ On 20 November 1963, French cartoonist Roland Moisan illustrates the future cooperation — which looks set to be difficult — between General de Gaulle and the new Federal Chancellor Erhard. Erhard, not known for being a Francophile and highly Atlanticist in his views, will find it hard to compete with the mutual admiration and deep friendship between de Gaulle and former Chancellor Adenauer.

Source et copyright

Source: MOISAN, Roland. "Mettez-vous à votre aise, Monsieur Erhard, qu'est-ce qui vous amène?" dans Le Canard enchaîné. Paris. Le Canard enchaîné. 20.11.1963, n°2248, p.3.

Copyright: (c) Moisan / ADAGP Paris / Canard Enchaîné

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Cartoon by Moisan on relations between de Gaulle and Erhard (20 November 1963)