Cartoon by Kb2 on the dangers of a resurgence of German industrial power (16 November 1949)

‘Nothing’s changed. Deep down, they’ve always had a soft spot for me!’ On 16 November 1949, French cartoonist Kb2 illustrates France’s worries at the possible resurgence of German industrial power and emphasises the United States’ support for the Federal Republic of Germany. Five days later, under the Petersberg Agreement, the FRG accedes to the International Authority for the Ruhr and many of Germany’s industrial installations are removed from the list of reparations and industries to be dismantled. The young Marianne (France) is not impressed at the gift given by Uncle Sam (United States) to the smiling young Germania, wearing a Wehrmacht helmet and clutching an industrial complex.

Source et copyright

Source: KB2. "Rien de changé. Au fond, elle m'a toujours eue à la Bonn!" dans Le Canard enchaîné. Paris: Le Canard enchaîné. 16.11.1949, n°1517, 34e année, p.1.

Copyright: (c) Le Canard Enchaîné / KB2

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Cartoon by Kb2 on the dangers of a resurgence of German industrial power (16 November 1949)